If you're willing to help, don't delay in assisting the needy today. Your kindness can make a difference in their lives, and every contribution counts towards creating a better tomorrow for those in need.
Imam Hussain sacrifices his family in Gods way to save humanity. We will follow his path to show imam Hussain that his generation is still alive to follow his path and continue his mission to help humanity.
Promoting healthy eating and ensuring access to nutritious foods can profoundly impact lives—your support today can create a better tomorrow for those in need.
Promoting access to quality medical facilities can profoundly impact lives—your support today can create a better tomorrow for those in need.
My thoughts
My project that I would like to do for humanity, without any greed, or putting any kind of money in my pocket.
I am opening a farm in Bhakkar Pakistan, the name will be 14 Star farm after Ahlul Bait (A.S.)
The reason I decided to open this farm so I can help poor people in Bhakkar and surrounding. You might wonder why? The reason is sending money every month to different people has become very hard for overseas Pakistani’s. So I decided to open a farm that would be an acre and a half of land.
We will buy cows, female buffaloes, goats, etc.